Tuesday, May 24, 2016


All my life I've always been "afraid" of change but surrounding myself with inspiring friends helped me understand Ghandi's famous phrase "Be the change you wish to see in the world". So many things inspired this past week it's either a friend's growth in her cyclist journey or having a few drinks with two aspiring artists celebrating a maitre'd following her passion to continue her education. 
Everyone has their own philosophy in life, but the key is always finding the career that you love and forge your own path that fits best to you. It's nice to see them fulfill the next chapter in their lives. I'm so proud that they're pursuing their dreams that it inspires me to go after what I want in life. I don't know if it's the PEENO NOIR that knocked some perspective in my head but it made me understand a huge difference between a job and a career. After what I've seen with my three friends I now understand what it means to "dress for the job you want". From what I've experienced last night I want to "dress for the person I want to become".

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